Do not sell my personal data

As explained in our privacy statement, we collect personal data through your interactions with us and our website, including through cookies and similar technologies. We may also share this personal data with third parties, including advertising partners. This is done to show you ads on other websites that are better tailored to your interests and for other reasons mentioned in our privacy statement.

The sharing of personal data for targeted advertising, based on your interaction across different websites, may be classified under certain U.S. privacy laws as "selling," "sharing," or "targeted advertising." Depending on your place of residence, you may have the right to opt out of these activities. If you wish to exercise this right, please follow the instructions below.

When you visit our website and the Global Privacy Control opt-out preference signal is activated, we will, depending on your location, treat this as a request to opt out of activities considered to be "selling" or "sharing" of personal data, or other uses that may be considered targeted advertising, for the device and browser you used to visit our website.

To opt out of the "selling" or "sharing" of your personal data collected through cookies and other device-based identifiers as described above, you must browse from one of the applicable U.S. states mentioned above.

Website Name:  Britmode

Company Name:  E-HAYIR Online Sales

Address:  Laan van Waalhaven 139A, 2497 GK, Den Haag, South Holland,  Netherlands
Contact form: Here
Phone: +31 613292772
Company number:  85440760
VAT number:  NL004095548B44

Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday and public holidays: closed
We aim to respond within one business day.